Sunday, May 22, 2011

A River Runs Through It

We ended the evening last night with good food, good drinks, and good friends hanging out at the house in Sunriver. We were all a little pooped after the events of the day, participating in the race Pole Pedal Paddle. Jack and Terrence had been drinking pretty much straight for two days and were fading somewhat. Pat and Karli, and Chris and I played some Sequence over wine and beer. Heidi and Bryan relaxed on the couch. We all just chilled while reminiscing about the day and joking around. I laughed out loud many times until my stomach ached. The evening ended with a heated educator discussion, not unusual when teachers get together. It was a fun and loud day.
The contrast when I woke up early this morning to a quiet peaceful house was striking. I made my tea, unlocked the back patio door, and slipped out into sunshine and wet grass. I tiptoed towards the grassy river bank and the slow-flowing river where steam was rising in ringlets from the surface against a tree-lined horizon. Silently I sipped my green tea and watched five nutrias playfully bob up and down in the water while getting carried downriver by the current. Ducks landed and fish jumped breaking the serene stillness with a gentle splash. I wondered if I would appreciate this splendid scenery as much if I woke up to it every morning.

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